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Instructor working with student in medical lab.

Medical Laboratory Technician, Medical Laboratory Assistant, and Phlebotomy

Consider pursuing a career as a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) and become a member of the laboratory team! Join our accredited program to become an MLT and you'll have opportunities to enter flexible health care careers in clinical laboratory science. As an MLT, you will analyze blood, body fluids and microbiology cultures; work up blood units for transfusions, operate automated equipment, instruments and analyzers; and conduct manual testing in accordance with federal laws, guidelines and national standards.

The Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA) 29-credit certificate program provides the education needed to prepare students as trained MLA’s in a variety of clinical laboratory settings including hospitals, clinics and physician office laboratories.

Our Phlebotomy Technician program is 12 credits and teaches the principles and practice of venipuncture, skin puncturing and processing of samples for laboratory testing.

Through our program, our dedicated faculty will prepare you for entry-level employment in laboratory medicine to meet the current and the increasing demands for medical laboratory technicians.

Majors and Offerings

We're proud to offer the following degree, credit certificate and letter of recognition:

Medical Laboratory Technician, A.A.S.

Medical Laboratory Assistant (certificate)

Phlebotomy Technician (lor)

Faculty and Staff

Christopher L. Harmon, MS, MLS(ASCP) CM
chair/assistant professor


Anne Arundel Community College's Medical Laboratory Technician A.A.S. Degree Program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). NAACLS is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

5600 N. River Rd, Suite 720
Rosemont, IL 60018-5119

Additional Resources

If you would like information related to the Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) program’s clinical affiliates and/or policies and procedures related to students in the MLT program, contact:

Chris Harmon, MS, MLS (ASCP) 

Medical Laboratory Technician Program Outcomes

Certification Examination Pass Rates

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024*
Number of Graduates 13 15 9 13
Number of graduates who sat for the ASCP exam within 1 year of graduation 9 13 6 9
Percentage of graduates who passed the ASCP exam within 1 year of graduation 78% 93% 100% 100%
Number of graduates who sat for the AMT exam within 1 year of graduation 7 0 0 1
Percentage of graduates who passed the AMT exam within 1 year of graduation 100% 0% 0% 100%
Total percentage of graduates who passed either exam within 1 year of graduation 100% 93% 100% 100%

NAACLS benchmark is 75% pass rate within 1 year of graduation: AACC MLT Program 3-year cumulative pass rate is 97.7%

Graduation/Attrition Rates

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024*
Number of students who began the final half of the program 14 16 12 17
Number of students who began the final half but left before graduation 1 1 2 1
Yearly graduation rate of those students who began the first half of the program and completed the program 100% 93% 83% 94.1%

NAACLS Benchmark: 3 years of graduation rates demonstrating an average of at least 70% of the students who enter the final half of the program, graduate from the program. AACC MLT Program 3-year cumulative graduation/attrition rate is 97.6%

Graduate Placement Rates

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024*
Number of graduates that found employment and/or continued their education within 1 year of graduation 13 13 8 Pending
Number of graduates that did neither of the above 0 0 0 Pending
Number of graduates whose employment status is unknown 0 0 1 Pending
Yearly Average Placement Rate 100% 100% 100% Pending

NAACL Benchmark: 3 years of placement rates demonstrating an average of at least 70% of the students are employed within one year of graduation and/or have continued with their education. AACC MLT Cumulative graduation placement rate is 100%

The Anne Arundel Community College’s Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Program is proud of its program outcomes. Sharing this information meets accreditation requirements of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS).

*Updated: December 2024 

Medical Laboratory Technician Program Philosophy


To recruit, retain and graduate self-directed, self-determined, market- and career-ready citizens of the world who are “change leaders” in the field of clinical laboratory science.


To attract, nurture and prepare market- and career-ready medical laboratory technicians through excellence in program curricula, high-quality instructors and meaningful learning and clinical experiences that enhance student knowledge and meet market demands, enhance the health of the community, and promote lifelong learning.

Program Goals

  1. To prepare competent entry-level medical laboratory technicians in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.
  2. To develop a curriculum in medical laboratory technology that prepares entry-level practitioners for the market place.
  3. To develop a curriculum in medical laboratory technology that prepares graduates to progress to bachelor’s degree medical technologist (clinical laboratory scientist) programs.
  4. To establish, maintain and nurture relationships with clinical sites and preceptors that provide for a variety of quality experiential learning opportunities and entry-level employment opportunities.
  5. To create shared interdisciplinary learning experiences for students with an emphasis on ethical and diversity issues.
  6. To emphasize a holistic approach in the management of client care.
  7. To form linkages with professional organizations that will accept students as members.
  8. To provide experiences for students that creates opportunities for communication among other health care providers, the community and the lay public.
  9. To identify, within the community, the internal and external stakeholders, such as students, graduates, faculty, administration, employers, and physicians; and identify current needs, both in academia and cultural contexts.
  10. To conduct program quality analysis and outcome measures in all learning domains.